02 FEBRUARI 2024The House Convention Hall

Our Story

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Pesta Sentosa is a music event held by the
 Management Study Program of the
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia which
started from a band competition event held
 every year.

For this year, Pesta Sentosa by Kamis Senja
 will innovate with a concept that is more
 adapted to the current situation, including a
 music stage that holds a competition during
the pre-event and invites the winners of the
competition and presents current artists on
the closing day of the event.

It is hoped that Pesta Sentosa can introduce
 one of the events from IMAGE UPI by attracting
the masses, especially the general public as a
 form of promoting the IMAGE UPI name.

Join us at Pesta Sentosa by Kamis Senja with
euphoria that will give various meanings and
new colors as well as


Pesta Sentosa is a music event held by the Management Study Program of the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia which started from a band competition event held every year.

For this year, Pesta Sentosa by Kamis Senja will innovate with a concept that is more adapted to the current situation, including a music stage that holds a competition during the pre-event and invites the winners of the competition and presents current artists on the closing day of the event.

It is hoped that Pesta Sentosa can introduce one of the events from IMAGE UPI by attractin the masses, especially the general public as a form of promoting the IMAGE UPI name.

Join us at Pesta Sentosa by Kamis Senja with euphoria that will give various meanings and new colors as well as.


Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon


Terms & Conditions E-Ticket

  • Tunjukkan email E-Ticket yang valid kepada operator
  • Bawa kartu identitas (KTP/SIM/Kartu Pelajar) yang sesuai dengan nama pada E-Ticket.
  • E-Ticket hanya berlaku untuk satu orang dan satu kali masuk.
  • Sertakan surat kuasa dan fotokopi KTP jika tiket diambil oleh orang lain.
  • Tiket tidak dapat dikembalikan atau diuangkan.
  • E-Ticket dari pihak ketiga tidak terjamin keabsahannya dan bukan tanggung jawab kami.
  • Dilarang membagikan nomor barcode E-Ticket.
  • Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan E-Ticket.
  • Penyelenggara dapat menolak izin masuk jika syarat tidak dipenuhi atau jika keributan atau perilaku yang merugikan.

Terms & Conditions Event

  • Pembelian tiket hanya melalui saluran resmi.
  • Tiket tidak dapat dikembalikan atau direfund.
  • Promotor berhak mengubah jadwal acara jika ada kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan.
  • Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan masuk.
  • Tidak ada ganti rugi untuk kelalaian pembeli.
  • Promotor berhak mengeluarkan individu yang membuat kericuhan.
  • Penonton harus mematuhi protokol yang di tetapkan oleh promotor.
Presale 1

Rp. 70.000

Tiket Premium

Rp.799 000

  • Seat Only
  • Lunch
  • Join Group + After Party
Presale 2

Rp. ?

  • Seat Only
  • Lunch
  • Join Group + After Party
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